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Showing posts from May, 2011

BOSS is not an easy job

st@rt>> I wanna be a boss, dowan to work for others I wanna have my own business Sounds familiar eh? It is not an easy job to hold the title of BOSS If it is that easy, everyone could be their own boss, nahhh, 'BOSS OF THE ROOM' Being a man aint easy, but being a woman not easy either So, the question is, how you spend your first RM10K? I still remember, I spent my first 10K on my car and clubs, partying over the weekends, and *POP*, my wallet empty just few weeks like that. Damn, m still regret over this, but i wasnt regret too, because it was my first 10K. :) Now, tell me, how you spend your first 10K , keep it in the safe deposit? shopping? pampering yourself? P/S: This topic aint related to anyone, not specifically mention anyone, or trying to show off, whatsoever. But if you think it is, then fuck off, dont read my blog anymore. I dont welcome you. Y wanna waste time to read a blog which then waste your effing time to bitch about it?!! Dont waste

Let me talk and you shut up

start>> Think like a man, act like a lady Once a lady, forever a lady Dont act like a child when you are an adult Stop being childish when you so old enough to act so Do only when you think it is right to do but not when people instructed you to do so Stop being a follower when you have your own opinion Learn to accept the facts Learn to accept criticism Learn to accept others opinion Dont force others to follow your footsteps when each human being is different P/S: I like to move it move it end


st@rt>> Not talking bout AA battery, or Double A A4 paper Talking bout the famous airline, AirAsia I dont like air asia for now, for this week Tried to make some bookings but it failed me. The actual prices which I saw earlier was so much cheaper, once it suddenly hang kei, then the prices will go hike up again *Stupid* Case 1 Hong Kong trip for 2 person RM700, when it hang kei , within a minute, I rushed back to AA's website again, the same hell flight same day same time, suddenly increase to RM900 Case 2 Macau trip for 2 person RM245, when I wanted to enter 2nd passenger details, it directed me to error page, within a minute, I move my fingers fast like hell to AA's website, the same hell flight same day same time, suddenly increase to RM490 Tell me, how should I react? I wont give up, I will try till the deadline ends. *Shit you* AA end

She asked me~~

st@rt>> She asked me Do you have any commitments? Yes, myself, m committed to myself Are you ready for challenges? Yes, anytime, m well prepared for challenges, new challenges, new life, new things What do you think bout your current work? I still like it a lot, I still can learn a lot too, I like it When do you think you can take up new challenges? Anytime, as I told you, m ready even for now What is opportunities are you lookin at? Career path, that is what I want. I foreseen my future here What threats make you feel threated? Education, that is always what I regret and not regret for. She asked me these few questions last Friday, wants me consider and think bout it over the weekend, then only email her all my answer. But I did it on Friday itself, bcz I know what I want. I know what is my direction, clearly. end


st@rt>> Quote//// 做事对的起天地良心。没做就是没做。有什么不了解,直接找我询问。无需拖拖拉拉在后面猜疑。以小人之心度君子之腹。 ////Unquote I super like the above quote from an ex colleague of mine. It was like so true and correct, I truly super agree. So, it was holiday yesterday, and I was doing my heaven jobs at home, but still I feel so much better, bcz working from home was so much fun! FUN ! FUN! Since when Big Rat Mouse came back, I really no mood in cleaning house d. let it be whatever it should be, tired of maintaining it wei. He dont even bother though his clothes was outside the hse yesterday, He dont even bother when heavy rain came, ended up, all his clothes wet like hell. OK, I doesnt wanna talk bout Big Rat Mouse of my house anymore, that's all for now. end

It's holiday tomorrow, it's PINK Mooday today

st@rt>> It's PINK Mooday (Monday to be exact) today! It was anniversary with boifee yesterday, 7years ! For so long, I think Saturday and Sunday is my BEST MOOD day ever! Perhaps, because it falls on weekend? And I have even better mood?? First gift on Saturday night dinner, from boifee was pendant, and boifee told me that is all the gift for me this year. So I accept it with HAPPY and BIG SMILE!!! Who knows, when the clock struck at 12somethin midnight, boifee got myself another gift, which is bracelet, so IM DOUBLE HAPPYYYYY In fact, I wanted a bracelet in my mind already at first, but I thought this year will only be pendant, such a nice of boifee I realized that, boifee is the BEST PERSON EVER in this WORLD now.. LOL :) I got nothing for boifee, just got some handmade stuffs, and handmade LOVE BOW that boifee gotta sign no matter what (I will force convince him) and boifee signed it early Sunday morning. Very early one for him, approx 9something. Bc

Humans are always so demanding

st@rt>> When you have mountains of monies, You will forget you need health, When you got your good health, You will demand for happiness, When the happiness by your side, You will say, 'I want money', Money can prove everything When you are so rich that anyone can defeat you, You want your health back, Life is like a circle, isnt it? Humans are demanding too, right? To cut it short, Im one of the human. The boifee was supposingly bring me out for shopping, dinner and movie last night. But we only went for movie and I am not happy?! The reason, boifee was meeting up with relative and they had some discussion over something, and I dont feel good, bcz boifee promised me bringing me out but we only went for movie. I know im behaving like a child, but wat i want is HAPPY Of course, I know the boifee is eagerly working and planning for monies, but i still want HAPPY Thousand times the boifee told me, no money, you cant be HAPPY, but I only want HAPPY

Saying HELLO

st@rt>> Hi bestie, how are you doing? You doing good? BB doing good? I hope your chicken pox getting better too and left no scar on your skin. BB's full moon is getting near, this 15th is bb's full moon which is my anniversary too :) So fast he is getting one month old alrdy! Im sorry to hear whatever had happened on you within 1month, I wish for your life getting better and more brighter days ahead for you, sun will shines on you and BB, god will bless d son and mother. Yee, how are you? I hope you feeling good already, whatever had passed, let it be, look at the brighter side. Have a good rest for the next 2months, take care of your own health, work is not important but health is. So emo eh..... end

Wah is coming back

st@rt>> Wah is coming back tomorrow, hoorayyy, at least now I got more activities prior to his stop in Malaysia again. LOL Wah has been working in Japan all the time, of course we cant wait meeting him and asking him bout Tsunami which attacked Japan last 11th Mar'11. And tomorrow he is coming back, we will meet him at MOV right after he touch down the ground once his plane arrive. He will get a taxi to drove him to MOV. As for weekend we will be at up up the hill because he misses that a lot~~~~ The BEST PART is all on Wah~~ all expenses~~~ HOORRAYYYYY The boifee will take care the expenses in MOV~~~ another HOORRAAYYYY That is the power of being the girls/ladies/women GIRLS POWER P/S: I super love my manager today :) end

Finally~~ A good rest after HOLIDAYS

st@rt>> Finallyyyyyyy, m back from holidays, it was fun of course because I really missed my old place's food a lot~~ Like a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt After few hrs jam like a ham in the car for few hrs, we reached our home at 1am something. I was hell sick last night, but feeling better today though still lil fever, but who cares, m sick because after holidays, fair WHAT! Today, all alone in the department, at first feel kinda lonely but due to rushing out few things, made my time move hell faster, ok fine, and now, m sitting here, updating my blog, and M FREE NOWWWW, oh yeahh end