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Showing posts from April, 2013


St@rt>> 破财消灾la weiiiiiiiiiiii!! No choice, wat to do Hub telling me something that I truly absolutely agree, though we are victim too but we are not the one loss much, we won't feel as sad as her, blaming ourself nor angry ourself. Still, I do feel the pain n loss, what can I do? 安慰自己说破财消灾咯。。。 End


St@rt>> Yayyyyyyyy!!! I have gotten job for coming May & June'13!!!!! I will be traveling often, i mean most of the time n busy busy. Hooray hooray :) *party* *blowingwhistle* End

It's only a dream

St@rt>> These few days I have been thinking myself about "Death" It's not out of sudden, but it was because of the recent news 1) Singapore actor, Huang Wen Yong died due to lymphoma cancer 2) Mdm Irene Ong, was robbed and stabbed 4times, bled to death. Her 20yrs old daughter was on that scene and running for help 3) Horrific accident in Federal Highway involved of 5 were killed (3 motorcyclist, 1 Good Samaritan and 1 car driver) All the above mentioned happened out of sudden without notice, nobody would ever know when they r dying except for no. 1, he was in battle with cancer. And I had a weird dream, I dreamt one of my friend who kinda close with me, died in a crash, I was weeping so badly! But her soul will be back for exam, answering question online exam. Ok, I know this sounds funny, impossible, weird etc But do u ever think of, how would u die? What will happen when u r dead? Why is everyone writing on ur FB wall, etc saying RIP and stuf

Can you keep a secret?

St@rt>> Shhhhhhhhhh..... Now, how many of you keepin secret? A person, usually, normally, will have at least one secret that only herself/himself know. A person, usually, normally, will have at least one secret that only her/ his best friends know. A person, usually, normally, will have at least one secret that only her/ his family/ loves one know. How many secrets do u have? Shhhhhhhhh..... "Keeping a secret can be difficult, and when it is a juicy secret it might be near impossible. It takes a great deal of willpower and determination, not to want to tell someone what you just heard. If you feel that you do not have the willpower necessary, then do not put yourself in the position of even hearing a secret. If you don't keep a secret it can hurt you in the long run. If it is a secret that you have created yourself and don't want anybody to know then don't ever even bring it up. Chances are you'll end up "Spilling the beans" "

Another one...

St@rt>> It's time for graduation and of course time for exam before the graduation This Friday!! Omaigot omaigot!!! Errrrrr 80% completed , tomorrow and Thursday will be our final preparation! Omgg M still ok with the feelings but bet my classmates are not Lolllll We r not worry of anything except for time! Just hope we can finish it on time that's all, just to avoid marks being cut for not doing it on time Damnit End

It's The Beginning

St@rt>> I was damn nervous since last night when I found out I lost my nail cutter, not the normal nail cutter the special one. I thought I will ruin the whole exam butttttttt it wasn't at all! And.............. It's d end of my exam finally ! After so long of preparations and postponing postponing the date, today, finally! M grateful, at least I got the second highest mark throughout the whole examinations. Now it's d beginning of my Level 2! Can't wait for it, this Wednesday :) Hoo ha! End


St@rt>> Pic 1- one scratch from Abby Pic 2- broken pendant (wear not more than 1yr) Pic 3- spoilt tong yuen Pic 4- JUST JOKING!!! M pretty isn't it?? LOL End