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Showing posts from April, 2011

Hey, m talking bout others, dont get me wrong

st@rt>> This is what friends for, having them as the audiences of yr blog, actually, sometimes, kind off worry too that they will mistakenly 'think' that you were talking bout them. LOL and this is what I experienced yesterday, she called me and asked me 'some' questions. Asking me some weird questions (at the point of time I felt the questions were weird, bcz I wasnt feeling emo at that time). But of course, I feel glad, that SHE REALLY READ MY BLOG POST! Thanks hun, for really keeping yourself update with my news though we seldom snake together *again* Then it was when she mentioned bout one of my post, so we burst into laugh? or I burst into laugh first? or we burst into laugh together? ok, forget bout it, after all, we really burst into laugh!!!! ROFL Of course, after that I did explain to her, it was not about her, it was not about anyone, it was about someone else.. LOL P/S: Continue reading my post and come share with me, I will tell you the storie

Fish a Fish and stupid phone is DEAD

st@rt>> Ok, I am fishing now, I will be fishing today I think I will be fishing a crocodile due to a terrible lack of sleep and I got another farewell dinner tonight!!! Oh Shittttttttttt I enjoyed a lot, this whole week: Monday- brought my lovely car to a friend's used car Tuesday- Movie day with friends Wednesday- MOV night with ladies and guys, celebrating Kwang's bday Thursday- Farewell dinner with colleagues Friday- Can I have an off day? *puppy eyes* Saturday and Sunday- no work day, no hang out day *not confirm yet* And now, my phone is dead, died, dead, died, DIED!! arghhhhh.... so damn frustrated since last midnight after MOV, tried many ways to heal it back but shit happens sometimes, and this time the shit doesnt even wanna go away!!! dear phone, I dowan you anymore, go away! you are no longer as complete as you do. end

Let me just get this done before I get back to my work

st@rt>> A quick one before I get back to work, okie? Im kinda happy, so happy, damn happy, wtf happy, that I could gather again ystdy with some friends. It was like ages since the last time I had movie with a bunch of friends in a whole row belong to ours. wohoooo Look at the  GREEN color which I booked, and another 3 on the right which babe booked! So, the whole row ours! Actually, I really got lotsa things to write here, but, since I said quick one to post this blog post, so, lets talk bout it other day. end

My Followers

st@rt>> Hi Friend, how are you doing? WELCOME TO MY BLOG, and I am happy to have you here. At least, I know that you are a 'fan' of mine. I mean not me, my writings? my posts? LOL.. whatever it is, you got your reason to come here and look at my post, hey, yeah, sometimes I might sounds sarcastic, but this is blog eh, we can do/post/shout as how we like isnt it? And now, I know you do love to write too *winkwink*, I visited your page babe! Pictures does it talking! LOL, u got lotsa pics inside!!!!! Welcome welcome baybeh *HUGGGSSSSSSS*! end

People come and go

st@rt>> Gossip TIME! A girl came last week, a new staff girl replacing Hwei Ching who her last day gonna be on Friday, 08/04/2011. For the first 4days she should be alright (we guess), then on friday itself, she started being siao siao. Wtf Stupid questions she asked: 1. Can I dont bring the laptop back home? (We replied: You suka la, go ask Alisha- her mgr) 2. Can I dont answer the calls via Co phn on Saturday and Sunday? (We replied: What do you think? If something wrong with your shipments, how u gonna handle it without answer d calls?) 3. Y you guys like to listen to Hwee Ching's talk? (We replied: You dont like her talking? Or you dont like her? Of course we have to pay attention and give reactions when someone is talking ma, aijorrr...No wonder you got no reactions at all) Stupid acts she did: 1. Sms-ing during Hwee Ching teach her do some documentation 2. Looking at other ppl's lappie while Hwee Ching is teaching her something on her own lappie

The drips

st@rt>> Was on the phone with sis, we were planning for mummy's bday present, and suddenly we talked bout lotsa things for the first time. That we talked seriously, really a serious one. Will he change for our good sake? So that we could be just lil happier?? Im not saying he is not good, just that he is being too perfect. Sometimes, perfection could lead more disappointment. Sis, for the very first time being so calm and tell me, 'dont worry, we are grown up already, he is so much better now, just do your part, do what you think you should', this made me shed, not because of he is better, but my sis is really a grown up kid now, she sounded so mature to me. I shed again, it was like so long, this feeling didnt come to me, but now, it hurts me more than I think. Thanks for makes me calm and better now. end