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Showing posts from April, 2012

Don't Cry

起初 相信爱的路 终点是指向幸福 Qi chu xiang xin ai de lu zhong dian shi zhi xiang xing fu 才会一而再的选择让步 Cai hui yi er zai de xuan ze rang bu 太固执而盲目 忘了停下来 Tai gu zhi er mang mu wang le ting xia lai 心疼自己的无助 Xin teng zi ji de wu zhu * 无辜 你拿手演出 终于我可以麻木 Wu gu ni na shou yan chu zhong yu wo ke yi ma mu 从这里分割出两个国度 Cong zhe li fen ge chu liang ge guo du 挥霍多少时间 折磨多少痛苦 Hui huo duo shao shi jian zhe mo duo shao tong ku 才累积出的领悟 Cai lei ji chu de ling wu [Chorus] 忍住不哭 我要忍住不哭 Ren zhu bu ku wo yao ren zhu bu ku 望向天空不让眼泪流出 Wang xiang tian kong bu rang yan lei liu chu 抬头看进云深处 等待那日出 Tai tou kan jin yun shen chu deng dai na ri chu 把故事结束 把从前一笔 消除 Ba gu shi jie shu ba cong qian yi bi xiao chu 忍住不哭 我要忍住不哭 Ren zhu bu ku wo yao ren zhu bu ku 不能认输因为我相信 彩虹总跟着薄雾 Bu neng ren shu yin wei wo xiang xin cai hong zong gen zhuo bao wu 会带来幸福 在下一个叉路 Hui dai lai xing fu zai xia yi ge cha lu 陪我跳全新的舞 Pei wo tiao quan xin de wu 起初 相信爱的路 终点是指向幸福 Qi chu xiang xin ai de lu zhong dian shi zhi xiang xing fu 才会一而再的选择让步 Cai hui yi er zai de xuan ze

Bitch away

st@rt>> Worst week, I think something is wrong with me. I will cry uncontrollably sometimes, in my room, alone Just couldnt stop it, the mind spinning around Reminds me of everything bad happened on me My tears falling whenever something just popped up to my mind ahhh, I wanna forget everything, please!!! end

It's been a while

St@rt>> all this while, I thought being a shorty is always a certain thing I should proud of, being a shorty, I look younger n cute at least. Being a shorty I can climb or hide myself inside a hole easily. Being a shorty, those taller than u will get jealous. However, ystdy, for the first time ever, I felt being a shorty is a total useless bum. I was d one decided to go to d arcade, with friends to play racing car. Everyone got their tokens inserted, before I could even insert mine I realized my feet............................... Couldn't reach d pedals :((((((( Unable to adjust d seat either, a total dumbass I was. Blaming d whole world, WHY THE HELL M SO SHORT IN THIS WORLD???!!!!!!!!!!! Was damn freaking upset, feel like crying and at that point of time I really felt like the whole arcade, those people looking at me, laughing at me for being a shorty :((((( I don't know why or since when m behaving this, why m being so negative, since when I start to blame m