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Hey, m talking bout others, dont get me wrong

st@rt>> This is what friends for, having them as the audiences of yr blog, actually, sometimes, kind off worry too that they will mistakenly 'think' that you were talking bout them. LOL

and this is what I experienced yesterday, she called me and asked me 'some' questions. Asking me some weird questions (at the point of time I felt the questions were weird, bcz I wasnt feeling emo at that time).
But of course, I feel glad, that SHE REALLY READ MY BLOG POST! Thanks hun, for really keeping yourself update with my news though we seldom snake together *again*
Then it was when she mentioned bout one of my post, so we burst into laugh? or I burst into laugh first? or we burst into laugh together? ok, forget bout it, after all, we really burst into laugh!!!! ROFL

Of course, after that I did explain to her, it was not about her, it was not about anyone, it was about someone else.. LOL

P/S: Continue reading my post and come share with me, I will tell you the stories behind.. LOL, m darn happy having you as my audience here... :)



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